Who We Are

FranklinCovey Jamaica is a trade name of LBM Consulting and Advisory Services Limited which is the exclusive licensee of FranklinCovey Company in Jamaica.
FranklinCovey is the world leader in helping organizations achieve results that require lasting changes in human behavior, often the most difficult challenge any organization faces. When accomplished, it is also the most durable competitive advantage. FranklinCovey’s expanding reach now extends to more than 150 countries, with over 2,000 associates working toward the common mission of enabling greatness in people and organizations everywhere.
Through FranklinCovey Jamaica, Jamaicans will be afforded convenient access to FranklinCovey content, tools, methodology, training and thought leadership, all based on a foundation of unshakeable principles and proven practices. Our ultimate aim is to deliver not just incremental, but transformational results.

Our Mission

We Enable Greatness: Great People, Great Organisations, Great Results.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to profoundly impact the lives of Jamaicans; how they live, work and achieve their own great purposes.

Our Foundational Beliefs Are:

  • People are inherently capable, aspire to greatness, and have the power to choose.
  • Principles are timeless and universal, and are the foundation for lasting effectiveness.
  • Leadership is a choice, built inside out on a foundation of character.
  • Great leaders unleash the collective talent and passion of people toward the right goal.
  • Habits of effectiveness come only from the committed use of integrated processes and tools.
  • Sustained superior performance requires the P/PC Balance (Production/Production Capability), a focus on achieving results and on building capability.

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